Nutritional Index

collaboration between Emmaline Zanelli & Kurt Bosecke
1.5 hour live performance, two channel video work, mixed media image works, 2021 - 2022

Nutritional Index was part of a broader project curated by Belinda Howden, titled Reaching Out wherein Tutti Arts partnered with three South Australian cultural institutions to facilitate three pairs of artists to respond to their collections. Kurt and I were one of these pairs, and we were invited to create a new work in response to The Art Gallery of South Australia (AGSA) and their permanent collection.

Over 12 months, Kurt and I had behind-the-scenes access to understand the inner workings of the gallery, meeting and interviewing many different staff members including curators, librarians, volunteers, installers, builders and security staff. This, paired with Kurt’s interest and rich knowledge of food and nutrition, guided us to first develop a performance work called Nutritional Index, a series of mixed media images, a map, and a two channel video work.

The performance work sees Kurt and I play hybrid characters – nutritionists and art historians from the Australian Bureau of Cultural Dietetics Eating For Good Health (A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.).

Throughout the tour Kurt and I speak to several artworks on display within AGSA’s galleries, using nutrition as a lens through which to understand the works in a different light. Audience members are issued with level 3 security clearance lanyards upon arrival, and we are accompanied by 4 security staff (played by members of The Bait Fridge), and after 1 hour of moving through the galleries, we finish the tour with a Nutribullet smoothie using ingredients referencing the artworks throughout the tour.

Following the tours, Kurt and I are working with a third collaborator, Eloise Holoubek, to make a video work relfecting on our time working in the collection, called The Impressive Vibrant Fantasy Buffet: Five Essential Rules to Achieve a Rodin Torso in Under Two Months (see below for a preview). The two channel video work was featured at the Art Gallery of South Australia during SALA Festival in August 2022. The video work was awarded both the Digital

Nutritional Index was supported by Tutti Arts, the Art Gallery of South Australia, The Department of Premier and Cabinet, and the Adelaide Fringe Festival. I would like to express my deepest thanks to project curator Belinda Howden, for her amazing efforts and support in the development and delivery of this work.